Mercier Therapy
Mercier Therapy can be found all over the world and each professional that uses the Mercier protocol has reported the same wonderful results as we here in Georgia have experienced.
This therapy is deep pelvic visceral manipulation to increase blood flow and optimal pelvic function. All work is done through the lower abdomen. We help women with fertility challenges and pelvic pain.
Our fertility program is 6 weeks in length and can be used as a stand alone regime or in preparation for a more medically assisted cycle such as IUI or IVF. We highly recommend that you prepare your body properly prior to starting any medically assisted fertility cycle to help insure a successful first cycle. The Shared Journey can be completed in time for your stim start.
As a stand alone cycle without medical assistance is what is most natural and primal for your body. You will be guided to monitor your own ovulatory cycle along with our help for up to one year after finishing your therapy with us.
The program is custom tailored to each individual woman's situation and will be discussed in further detail at a consultation. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.
Natural fertility preparation or to complement IVF, IUI, etc
Regulate menstrual cycle & ovulation
Normalize hormone & endocrine systems
Improve ovarian and hormone function
for better quality follicles/eggs
Increase uterine blood flow and lining
Deeply relaxing – reducing anxiety & stress
Improve the success of IVF, IUI and
other technologies
Improve Male Factor sperm quality, quantity and motility
Decrease miscarriage
Poor/low Ovarian Reserve/High FSH
Secondary fertility issues such as c-section scar tissue
Uterine fibroids
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Pelvical Surgical Scar Tissue
Pelvic or hip injury
Sexual Function
Pelvic Pain Treatments
Pelvic Visceral Manipulation is for women who have adhesions in their reproductive tract. Adhesions act like glue — disrupting the function of affected organs. Visceral Manipulation involves gentle stretching to loosen tightened areas of soft tissue and is continued until the tension is released. The goal is to decrease adhesions in and around the organs, ligaments, muscles, joints and support structures of the pelvis, abdomen, hips and lower back. It is gentle and noninvasive and has a success rate of 71% (IVF’s success rate is as low as 20%).