Nutrition Therapy
Our expertise as a Registered Dietitian (RDN)
We are food and nutrition experts who have met the minimum academic and professional requirements to qualify for the credential "RDN." The majority of RDNs work in the treatment and prevention of disease (administering medical nutrition therapy, often part of medical teams), in hospitals, HMOs, private practice or other health-care facilities. In addition, a large number of RDNs work in community and public health settings and academia and research. A growing number of RDNs work in the food and nutrition industry, in business, journalism, sports nutrition, and corporate wellness programs.
A RDNs knowledge foundation includes food and nutrition sciences, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, anatomy, chemistry, foodservice systems, business, pharmacology, culinary arts, behavioral social sciences and communication.
We are the experts, here to assist you with ALL things food...
healthy, exciting, versatile relationship with food
that supports your wellness!
Nutritional Analysis: Be Well Tune Up
This analysis provides an overall assessment of your current state of health. Customized feedback will be provided in addition to caloric and macronutrient requirements relative to health goals, BMI explanation, dietary recommendations, and strategies for obtainig goals.
Be Well Kitchen Make-Over
2 hours, $145, each additional hour $54
Your kitchen is a support system for your eating habits. We will identify foods that support your lifestyle changes. This make-over sets you up for success. As unhealthy foods are disposed of, we will discuss healthier food alternatives and behaviors.
Grocery Store Tour (@ the store you frequent)
90 minutes, $118
The grocery store tour will be customized to meet you/your family's food requirements, with respect to your completed health assessments. This is an excellent opportunity to better understand label reading, caloric requirements and healthy delicious alternative ingredients. We help you create a healthy shopping plan, so that you reach and maintain your wellness goals. We walk with you step by step, you will be able to make the best choices and enjoy your food selections.
Be Well Coaching (phone or skype)
2 x 15 minute, $49
5 x 15 minute, $99
We become your accountability partner, assisting with your relationship with food. Coaching sessions may be conducted in person, phone or skype.